Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Hell is a faculty meeting. "Can anyone speak to the threeness of this test? It's fourness?"

Plato is sobbing.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Consider the Eel

There are certain volumes that no self respecting bibliophile can pass up. On entreating the consideration of the eel certainly qualifies. It is actually a surprisingly fascinating read.

Finished Berry Shawl

So with about ten hours worth of knitting this weekend I finished the Berry Shawl. In the brief window of sunlight this morning I took a few pictures of it and have to say that I'm rather happy with the end result.

Oh and here are two of the Great Pyrenees that live across the street.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Progress on the berry shawl. I made a mistake and had to do some ripping and subsequent pivcking up of stitches. This will definitely be done before Mother's Day.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Be Your Best to Test

High Stakes Testing in MN.

It should be noted that most of our kids need urging to do these things because they don't actually, study, sleep. eat breakfast, or most sadly believe in themselves.

Standardized testing is depressing.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Berry Shawl and A Polish Cookbook

So I decided to knit my mother a shawl. Now my mother is more the footed pajama sort and less the shawl sort but I figured it was worth the effort and it is a good introduction to lace knitting which is a skill that has so far eluded me.

The shawl is out of the "Folk Shawls" book and is labeled the Wool peddlers shawl. The original is on #8 needles and called for a sock weight. I wanted something a bit heavier and looser and so bumped it up to 10.5 and used the Lorna's Laces super wash in the mixed berry color way that I picked up in Saint Cloud almost two years ago. The original called for solid garter stitch but I added these yarn over chevrons and will have to take a few rows from the lace pattern too keep the shawl from growing too large.

The garter stitch edging will be in this gorgeous Tilly Thomas purple silk. I am not normally a fan of beaded yarns but this is really a rather gorgeous one.

I also bought this cookbook today written in 1948 to help with the rebuilding of Poland after WWII. It's a real gem of an old cookbook and I'm looking forward to making blueberry soup.

I need a new map so I don't have to do this on my white board every day.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Student Teaching

Student Teaching is not conducive to many things not the least among which is the maintenance of this blog. I will be done in roughly a month but that month is sure to be quite the whirlwind of activity. April is the major hiring season for education positions and I would love to have a job lined up by the end of May.

If I don't have a job lined up I will be returning to the DC area with Elias and temping or subbing until something arises. Otherwise I'll be headed wherever the wind carries me.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

We are not responsible neither is christ

New Mittens

I really do love mittens and color work.

Elizabeth Lavold Silky Wool starting on #3's and going to #2's after the purple. The pattern is 49 stitches across.

I should be done this first one tomorrow.